@@ -1,81 +1,81 @@
-esquid:S3027Ç"FPut single-quotes around '=' to use the faster "indexOf(char)" method.(²Áº×8¢Æß‚Í,
-zsquid:S001166"VRename this field "textField_1" to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(€þ�‡þÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Qsquid:S1444G"3Make this "public static collectorMina" field final(Ží¬”8¢Æß‚Í,
-Hsquid:S1444Z"*Make this "public static flag" field final(°Ð÷ð8¢Æß‚Í,
-Bsquid:S1148¹"#Use a logger to log this exception.(Ç’Çê8¢Æß‚Í,
-¥squid:S1186Ö"€Add a nested comment explaining why this method is empty, throw an UnsupportedOperationException or complete the implementation.(˜Â½€øÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck<"YMake configuration a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(è±ßò8¢Æß‚Í,
-Qsquid:S1444^".Make this "public static billPojo" field final(¸‡åîþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-`squid:S1126´"AReplace this if-then-else statement by a single return statement.(ñ¬ÂØ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Gsquid:S1125Ì")Remove the literal "false" boolean value.(éüú!8¢Æß‚Í,
-Psquid:S1444C"-Make this "public static plcMina" field final(¨§Þ¾ÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Nsquid:S00108¿")Either remove or fill this block of code.(±Ÿ—±ÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-hsquid:S1192"IDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "lastname" 5 times.(¢ÙƒÙ8¢Æß‚Í,
-vsquid:S3776î"RRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 18 to the 15 allowed.(�·žòþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-‘"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck8"WMake queryRunner a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(¹õ…äþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
Œ"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckb"RMake qrCode a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(þ‹’ƒÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Lsquid:S1444n")Make this "public static ccu" field final(óþòüÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckV"[Make nowMaterielPojo a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(©„î�8¢Æß‚Í,
-Ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckG"YMake collectorMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(Ží¬”8¢Æß‚Í,
+`squid:S1126´"AReplace this if-then-else statement by a single return statement.(ñ¬ÂØ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Nsquid:S1444Q"0Make this "public static loginToken" field final(šç�«8¢Æß‚Í,
´%squid:RedundantThrowsDeclarationCheck�"vRemove the declaration of thrown exception 'java.net.UnknownHostException', as it cannot be thrown from method's body.(ÂïÖ�øÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-“"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck>"YMake qrcodeService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(ºÜéÎúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-squid:S1192˜"[Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "/co/dc/aptiv/img/close.png" 3 times.(®£Ž˜ùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Tsquid:S14448"1Make this "public static queryRunner" field final(¹õ…äþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Tsquid:S1444:"1Make this "public static billService" field final(�š½æþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Rsquid:S1444K"/Make this "public static printMina" field final(ëâЛýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-isquid:CommentedOutCodeLinef"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(·¹¥Û8ÏÂï¦Í,
-vsquid:S00117Ç"QRename this local variable to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(ê’Ü”úÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckO"dMake testMachineCollectorMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(åÞéºúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Psquid:S14440"-Make this "public static session" field final(íѽªûÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+‹"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck9"WMake userService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(èºÔ8¢Æß‚Í,
+¥squid:S1186Ö"€Add a nested comment explaining why this method is empty, throw an UnsupportedOperationException or complete the implementation.(˜Â½€øÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck0"SMake session a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(íѽªûÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+ squid:S1186Ù"€Add a nested comment explaining why this method is empty, throw an UnsupportedOperationException or complete the implementation.(��÷—8¢Æß‚Í,
+�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckC"SMake plcMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(¨§Þ¾ÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+‘"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck8"WMake queryRunner a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(¹õ…äþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Psquid:S1444C"-Make this "public static plcMina" field final(¨§Þ¾ÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
Msquid:S1125«")Remove the literal "false" boolean value.(·èÀßýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+gsquid:HiddenFieldCheckÓ"8Rename "ccu" which hides the field declared at line 110.(€Ïàíøÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+squid:S106Ø"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(úšˆáýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckO"dMake testMachineCollectorMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(åÞéºúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+osquid:CommentedOutCodeLineö"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(úèû¬úÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+…"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckZ"PMake flag a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(°Ð÷ð8¢Æß‚Í,
usquid:S2159Ä"VRemove this call to "equals"; comparisons between unrelated types always return false.(Øø÷‰8¢Æß‚Í,
-Osquid:S1444b",Make this "public static qrCode" field final(þ‹’ƒÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-squid:S899•"BDo something with the "boolean" value returned by "createNewFile".(äÌÖ’8¢Æß‚Í,
-squid:S106Õ"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(º°ïã8¢Æß‚Í,
+Gsquid:S1125Ì")Remove the literal "false" boolean value.(éüú!8¢Æß‚Í,
+Rsquid:S1444K"/Make this "public static printMina" field final(ëâЛýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Qsquid:S1444G"3Make this "public static collectorMina" field final(Ží¬”8¢Æß‚Í,
+Ssquid:S1444V"5Make this "public static nowMaterielPojo" field final(©„î�8¢Æß‚Í,
+zsquid:S001166"VRename this field "textField_1" to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(€þ�‡þÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckK"UMake printMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(ëâЛýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-‰"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckn"OMake ccu a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(óþòüÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-‹"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckQ"VMake loginToken a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(šç�«8¢Æß‚Í,
-Nsquid:S14449"1Make this "public static userService" field final(èºÔ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Ssquid:S1444?"0Make this "public static windowUtil" field final(³ÛëŽýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck?"VMake windowUtil a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(³ÛëŽýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+usquid:S2159é"VRemove this call to "equals"; comparisons between unrelated types always return false.(뿱Ì8¢Æß‚Í,
+�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck="[Make materielService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(þ€ä—8¢Æß‚Í,
+squid:S1192˜"[Define a constant instead of duplicating this literal "/co/dc/aptiv/img/close.png" 3 times.(®£Ž˜ùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
squid:S106×"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(¬·öý8¢Æß‚Í,
- squid:S1186Ù"€Add a nested comment explaining why this method is empty, throw an UnsupportedOperationException or complete the implementation.(��÷—8¢Æß‚Í,
-wsquid:S14504"ZRemove the "contentPane" field and declare it as a local variable in the relevant methods.(į�_8¢Æß‚Í,
+asquid:S1444O">Make this "public static testMachineCollectorMina" field final(åÞéºúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-squid:S106Ö"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(×ì÷Œ8¢Æß‚Í,
-usquid:S2159é"VRemove this call to "equals"; comparisons between unrelated types always return false.(뿱Ì8¢Æß‚Í,
-Zsquid:S2696ò"6Make the enclosing method "static" or remove this set.(´¨àŒùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Ssquid:S1444="5Make this "public static materielService" field final(þ€ä—8¢Æß‚Í,
-msquid:S2095—"NUse try-with-resources or close this "RandomAccessFile" in a "finally" clause.(¤ôŽ†8¢Æß‚Í,
+squid:S106Õ"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(º°ïã8¢Æß‚Í,
+vsquid:S3776î"RRefactor this method to reduce its Cognitive Complexity from 18 to the 15 allowed.(�·žòþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+hsquid:S1192"IDefine a constant instead of duplicating this literal "lastname" 5 times.(¢ÙƒÙ8¢Æß‚Í,
msquid:S00100Ò"NRename this method name to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(‚›µJ8¢Æß‚Í,
-gsquid:HiddenFieldCheckÓ"8Rename "ccu" which hides the field declared at line 110.(€Ïàíøÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Ssquid:S1444V"5Make this "public static nowMaterielPojo" field final(©„î�8¢Æß‚Í,
-esquid:S3027É"FPut single-quotes around '?' to use the faster "indexOf(char)" method.(ÚÒ÷Ö8¢Æß‚Í,
-—"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck;"]Make billDetailService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(‰Ížûùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Nsquid:S1444Q"0Make this "public static loginToken" field final(šç�«8¢Æß‚Í,
Msquid:S1125µ")Remove the literal "false" boolean value.( ÿìüÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Qsquid:S1444<"3Make this "public static configuration" field final(è±ßò8¢Æß‚Í,
-Vsquid:S1444>"3Make this "public static qrcodeService" field final(ºÜéÎúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck0"SMake session a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(íѽªûÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-‹"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck9"WMake userService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(èºÔ8¢Æß‚Í,
-squid:S106Ø"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(úšˆáýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckC"SMake plcMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(¨§Þ¾ÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-`squid:S1126š"AReplace this if-then-else statement by a single return statement.(¿ÓÔ†8¢Æß‚Í,
-jsquid:CommentedOutCodeLineÚ"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ß‹§€8¢Æß‚Í,
+Tsquid:S1444:"1Make this "public static billService" field final(�š½æþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Ssquid:S1444="5Make this "public static materielService" field final(þ€ä—8¢Æß‚Í,
+Zsquid:S1444;"7Make this "public static billDetailService" field final(‰Ížûùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Osquid:S1444b",Make this "public static qrCode" field final(þ‹’ƒÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+nsquid:CommentedOutCodeLinej"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(±ûÖÊýÿÿÿÿ8ÏÂï¦Í,
+esquid:S3027Ç"FPut single-quotes around '=' to use the faster "indexOf(char)" method.(²Áº×8¢Æß‚Í,
+Qsquid:S1444^".Make this "public static billPojo" field final(¸‡åîþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck?"VMake windowUtil a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(³ÛëŽýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Nsquid:S00108¿")Either remove or fill this block of code.(±Ÿ—±ÿÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
vsquid:S00117ì"QRename this local variable to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(ê’Ü”úÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Zsquid:S2696Ë"6Make the enclosing method "static" or remove this set.(´¨àŒùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+‰"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckn"OMake ccu a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(óþòüÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+vsquid:S00117Ç"QRename this local variable to match the regular expression '^[a-z][a-zA-Z0-9]*$'.(ê’Ü”úÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+—"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck;"]Make billDetailService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(‰Ížûùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
Msquid:S1125Á")Remove the literal "false" boolean value.(Ä؃�ùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+`squid:S1126š"AReplace this if-then-else statement by a single return statement.(¿ÓÔ†8¢Æß‚Í,
+msquid:S2095—"NUse try-with-resources or close this "RandomAccessFile" in a "finally" clause.(¤ôŽ†8¢Æß‚Í,
+‹"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckQ"VMake loginToken a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(šç�«8¢Æß‚Í,
Ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck^"TMake billPojo a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(¸‡åîþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-Zsquid:S1444;"7Make this "public static billDetailService" field final(‰Ížûùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-asquid:S1444O">Make this "public static testMachineCollectorMina" field final(åÞéºúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-osquid:CommentedOutCodeLineö"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(úèû¬úÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-nsquid:CommentedOutCodeLinej"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(±ûÖÊýÿÿÿÿ8ÏÂï¦Í,
-Psquid:S14440"-Make this "public static session" field final(íѽªûÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+squid:S106Ö"9Replace this use of System.out or System.err by a logger.(×ì÷Œ8¢Æß‚Í,
jsquid:CommentedOutCodeLineð"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(úàŽÑ8¢Æß‚Í,
‘"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck:"WMake billService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(�š½æþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
-…"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckZ"PMake flag a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(°Ð÷ð8¢Æß‚Í,
-�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck="[Make materielService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(þ€ä—8¢Æß‚Í,
+squid:S899•"BDo something with the "boolean" value returned by "createNewFile".(äÌÖ’8¢Æß‚Í,
+Qsquid:S1444<"3Make this "public static configuration" field final(è±ßò8¢Æß‚Í,
+esquid:S3027É"FPut single-quotes around '?' to use the faster "indexOf(char)" method.(ÚÒ÷Ö8¢Æß‚Í,
+Ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck<"YMake configuration a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(è±ßò8¢Æß‚Í,
+isquid:CommentedOutCodeLinef"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(·¹¥Û8ÏÂï¦Í,
+“"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheck>"YMake qrcodeService a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(ºÜéÎúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+wsquid:S14504"ZRemove the "contentPane" field and declare it as a local variable in the relevant methods.(į�_8¢Æß‚Í,
+Ssquid:S1444?"0Make this "public static windowUtil" field final(³ÛëŽýÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+jsquid:CommentedOutCodeLineÚ"<This block of commented-out lines of code should be removed.(ß‹§€8¢Æß‚Í,
+Bsquid:S1148¹"#Use a logger to log this exception.(Ç’Çê8¢Æß‚Í,
+Zsquid:S2696ò"6Make the enclosing method "static" or remove this set.(´¨àŒùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Lsquid:S1444n")Make this "public static ccu" field final(óþòüÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Zsquid:S2696Ë"6Make the enclosing method "static" or remove this set.(´¨àŒùÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Tsquid:S14448"1Make this "public static queryRunner" field final(¹õ…äþÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Nsquid:S14449"1Make this "public static userService" field final(èºÔ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Vsquid:S1444>"3Make this "public static qrcodeService" field final(ºÜéÎúÿÿÿÿ8¢Æß‚Í,
+Hsquid:S1444Z"*Make this "public static flag" field final(°Ð÷ð8¢Æß‚Í,
+�"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckV"[Make nowMaterielPojo a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(©„î�8¢Æß‚Í,
+Ž"squid:ClassVariableVisibilityCheckG"YMake collectorMina a static final constant or non-public and provide accessors if needed.(Ží¬”8¢Æß‚Í,